illustration of a woman on DNX laptop working on security


Your solution-in-a-box package for startups.

Build your foundation, offer your solution, and automate your delivery.


From inception to IPO

Startups need to inject value and employ for the right skills – but they don’t do it alone. Our cloud engineers will find the best resources to solve your business needs with a solid, scalable, and reliable cloud environment.


DNX Startup Packages

We have helped many startups over the past two years, sharing our insight and experience to deliver solid applications, a place to demonstrate solutions, and automated processes. Have a look at what you’ll get from us.
well-architected foundation icon, cloud and box

Well-Architected Foundation

Build and implement a scalable, compliant cloud as your startup grows.

  • Run a Cloud Discover Assessment to identify issues and opportunities for your application.
  • Enable your team to focus on solutions and features for the next sprint, without cloud concerns.
  • Take advantage of cost optimisation while growing your business.
  • Design your cloud to scale with an open-source cloud foundation to realise delivery, compliance, and cost-efficiency faster.
  • Designed for high-availability and developer experience.
  • Highly scalable and secure.
  • Self-healing and easy to maintain.

App Blueprint + Website Offering

Flexibility to fit your business needs, helping push your solution to market.

  • Choose your Stack and App Blueprint.
  • Built/Improved application with the modern generation of cloud technologies.
  • Choose your app blueprint based on your business needs (Static Website, Serverless/API, ECS, ElasticBeanStalk, Kubernetes, and Data and Analytics).
  • Build based on your software language (NodeJS, Rails, PHP, Java, .Net, Python, WordPress, ReactJS/AngularJS).
  • Deliver a website offering: Set up a modern ‘static’ website using AWS, promoting your startup and demonstrating your solution to the market.


A 100% automated CI/CD pipeline enabling you to deliver value to your customers quicker.

  • Stay ahead and take advantage of a 100% automated CI/CD pipeline and build a consistent, auditable environment.
  • Test and deploy strategies.
  • Delivered on your chosen language: AWS CodePipeline/CodeBuild, Gitlab, Bitbucket, Codeship, BuildKite, GitHub.
  • Release new features quicker than ever before.


Who is the DNX
Startup Package for?

The DNX Startup Package is for established, emerging, or evolving startups seeking an all-in-one, cloud-based solution. Our passion is the democratisation of the internet, so sharing our insights and expertise with startup businesses is a great joy for us and one of our highest priorities.


“I don’t have an AWS fleet or my fleet
is experimental.

I want to do it right but  I don’t
have cloud technology skills.”

“I have to comply with
legal requirements.”


“I have an AWS fleet but I’m
not sure what state it’s in.”

“I’m having difficulty scaling and
I’m not achieving cost efficiency.”

“I can’t keep up with market demand
and can’t match customer needs.”


“I need to improve cost and management
control as our business scales up.”

“I want to go global,
being comply with.”

“I need to be more
secure and reliable”


Join smart organisations that have
embraced the future with DNX Solutions.


Choose your startup package and
achieve the best value from the outset

Startup Full Package

The most popular package (More than 75% of Startups have chosen this).

Regular Price

$ 27,000
Discovery Assessment
Well-Architected Foundation
App Blueprint
Website Offering
CI/CD Pipeline

Startups Price

$ 15,000*
Discovery Assessment
Well-Architected Foundation
App Blueprint
Website Offering
CI/CD Pipeline
* AWS/DNX credits available.
** 3 weeks delivery


Choose from our other packages
customised for your startup journey

DNX Foundation + App Blueprint

Regular Price

$ 22,000
Discovery Assessment
Well-Architected Foundation
App Blueprint
Website Offering

Startups Price

$ 10,000*
Discovery Assessment
Well-Architected Foundation
App Blueprint
Website Offering

* AWS/DNX credits available.
** 2 weeks delivery

DNX Foundation + CI/CD Pipeline

Regular Price

$ 17,000
Discovery Assessment
Well-Architected Foundation
CI/CD Pipeline

Startups Price

$ 10,000*
Discovery Assessment
Well-Architected Foundation
CI/CD Pipeline

* AWS/DNX credits available.
** 2 weeks delivery

illustration of two dnx characters crossing their arms

Build secure,
resilient, and scalable


How is your application state?


Complete our form

Fill out the form and our Solutions Architect will give you a call.


Schedule your Discovery session

Book-in a date and time to get started with your session.

*DNX/AWS funding is available for startups. After our discovery assessment, we will suggest the best option based on your business needs.


Clients' messages
of appreciation